At Tudor Grange we believe that developing the whole student is essential. We think that to flourish in life you need much more than great grades. The Tudor Habits represent what students, parents and staff have told us they think make people of good character. We hope that they capture the sorts of behaviors that will support students to:

  • Make wise decisions informed by a strong ethical foundation (The Character Habits)
  • Hold themselves to high standards, be reflective in their approaches to their work and to manage their emotions to maintain motivation when challenged (The Learning Habits)
  • Be ready to play and active and positive role in a democratic society (The Tudor Values)

We would like to show our gratitude and say a big thank-you the hundreds of parents, students and staff who participated in our character survey. Your responses were invaluable in enabling us to complete our development of the “Tudor Habits”

Team TG Award

We are really proud of the achievements of our students and the commitment they display towards making our school such a fantastic community to be part of.  To celebrate and encourage even more students to develop their tutor habits beyond the classroom we have introduced the ‘Team TG Award’. At the end of each year, we aim to present every student and parent with a record of their achievements.  Those students who have participated in every category: Careers; Clubs; Community; Trips, will also receive a ‘Team TG Award’ certificate. You can see from the image below that there is a wealth of activities available so please encourage your child to get involved.

The Tudor Values 

Tolerance & Acceptance

Tolerance is about embracing and celebrating individuality and differences amongst people, showing open-mindedness and actively engaging in dialogue to better understand each other. 


Unity is about individuals and communities coming together for the greater good of all to create a strong and resilient society. It involves both promoting a culture of inclusion but also challenging stereotypes and prejudices so that everyone has a sense of belonging. 


Democracy is an essential component of creating a fair, just, and inclusive society where everyone’s voice is heard and they are treated equally no matter what race, religion, belief, disability, sex, gender or sexual orientation.

Opportunity for all

Opportunity for all is about recognising the value of individual liberty, the rights of others and providing equal chances for all individuals to succeed and achieve their potential, regardless of their background or circumstances. 

Respect for others’ beliefs & the law

Respect involves treating others with dignity and consideration.  It involves an appreciation of the rights and freedoms of others, including the nine protected characteristics, recognising and complying with the law and the authority of legal institutions.