• Pencil case.
  • Good quality ball-point pens (must include a red pen).
  • Pencils – a variety (2B and 4B for Art).
  • Coloured pencils.
  • A 30cm plastic ruler.
  • Highlighter pens.
  • A rubber and pencil sharpener (no penknives please).
  • A glue stick (liquid ink erasers such as tippex NOT allowed)
  • An inexpensive pair of compasses and a 180°or 360° protractor.
  • An inexpensive set of earbuds or headphones (kept in inside blazer pocked).
  • A Calculator – CASIOFX-83GT PLUS will be available to purchase from the Mathematics Department in September (current price £9.00); alternatively it should be available to purchase from high street stores e.g. WH Smith. [Please note: the scientific calculator must be available for science, technology and mathematics lessons]
  • A4 size whiteboard required along with dry-wipe pen
  • An art sketch book available from the Academy (£1.00).
  • Collins pocket English dictionary.
  • Collins pocket French, German or Spanish dictionary (depending which language is
    to be studied).
  • Re-useable water bottle.
  • Apron (for use in subjects where an apron is required ie food, art, technology)
  • Packet of tissues

Please note, for safety reason, the following items are not allowed:

  • Scissors
  • Liquid ink erasers, such as Tippex